2025 Camping & Picnic Fair



Participation Guide
※ The Camping&Picnic Fair accepts applications through sole agents in Germany, Europe, and China. For other countries, please direct inquiries to allfair@allfair.co.kr
Participation Inquiries
  • Camping & Picnic Fair Organizing Committee
  • #306 Dongil Highvill, 11, Bomun-ro 38-gil, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 02846 Office +82-2-796-8710│Fax. +82-2-796-8711 │ allfair@allfair.co.kr
  • 厦门闻新会展有限公司 Xiamen Vision Expo Co.,Ltd.- China sole agent
  • 肖伯程 Leon Shaw Mobile/Wechat +86-18650152571 | www.visionexpos.com